Saturday, September 20, 2014

a Portion of Peter and the Pentecost

a Portion of Peter and the Pentecost
The Acts 2

The Pentecost was a day celebrating the ascension of Christ into heaven. It took place seven Sundays (50 days) after the feast of the Passover and was observed by faithful Jews. In the book of Acts, chapter 2, starting in verse 2, we read about the miracles poured upon the Apostles that were gathered together, on this day of Pentecost.

“And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.”

And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”

So as they were all sitting around discussing Apostle stuff, the powers of heaven came in as a wind and engulfed them. They were so overcome with the Holy Ghost, that they were able to speak, each of them, in different languages.

When news got around of this miraculous splendor, groups of people flocked in to see what it was about. Foreign spectators were shocked, and confused at how these Galileans were able to speak to them in their own languages. Verse 12:

“And they were all amazed, and were in doubt, saying one to another, What meaneth this?”

There were some in the crowd who doubted and made light of the situation. They accused the apostles of being a little drunk.

Hearing these accusations, Peter arose and reprimanded those ideas. He announced that they were not drunk, but instead overcome by the Spirit. He explained that, just as Joel the ancient prophet had foreseen, God’s spirit was poured out on them.

He continued to preach of the signs and happenings of the Last Days, referencing further the prophecy of Joel. He preached of repentance, baptism and called people to save themselves from their path of sin. Peter then also bore his testimony to the people of his knowledge of the Savior as a “special witness.”

In a Q& A session with Elder David A. Bednar, he answers the question of what a special witness is:

“The role of an Apostle today is the same as it was anciently. Our commission is to go into all the work and proclaim ‘Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” An Apostle is a missionary and a special witness of the name of Christ. The ‘name of Christ’ refers to the totality of the Savior’s mission, death and resurrection—His authority, His doctrine, and His unique qualifications as the Son of God to be our Redeemer and our Savior. As special witnesses of the name of Christ, we bear testimony of the reality, divinity, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, His infinite and eternal Atonement, and His gospel.”

As Elder Bednar stated, his role as Apostle is the same as the calling that Peter had all those years ago. Peter spoke of Christ’s life, his ministry, death, Atonement and resurrection. He warned the people around him of their personal plights should they continue in their ways. He boldly called people to repentance, and lovingly taught what steps must be taken to take on Christ’s name. He testified of Christ and witnessed of His glory. Peter fulfilled his role of Apostle, and “special witness,” exactly as Elder Bednar said Apostles said they were called to do.

Because of Peter’s strong faith and resilient testimony, on this Pentecost occasion, he was able to soften the hearts of the crowd. In fact, three hundred people chose to repent and be baptized. Also, it wasn’t a temporary change for these people. They continued to grow in faith and love for each other and God.

I bet being able to witness this day was an amazing experience. Not only was there the new languages aspect, but the Spirit was so strong as to melt the hard hearts of hundreds of people. Part of me really wishes that I could have heard Peter bear his personal witness of his relationship and adoration for Christ, but then I remember that Peter’s calling is no different than our Apostles right now.

This leads me to think about the upcoming General Conference and how we will have the opportunity to hear similar things from men in similar callings. If I am prepared for it, and do my part to feel that same Spirit, I will be able to witness that overwhelming Holy Ghost for myself. I can have that same conversion if I make the choice to work at it.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to kick-start my term with this story, and the experience that it has provided me to learn from! Cheers to a great term!

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