a Lot of Work to be Done
1&2 Thessalonians
Taken from: http://year27.com/2-thessalonians-313/
In Thessalonians 1 & 2, Paul advised the members of the
church to tighten up their actions- make them selves better than they were. Below
is a list of things that he instructed them to do in order to be a more
righteous group.
Found in 1 Thessalonians 3-5; 2 Thessalonians 3
FYI: The indented portion includes a definition, or my understanding of the item on the list.
Increase in love towards one another (abound)
in large numbers
Soften hearts to the Prophet’s words
Abstain from fornication
Use our bodies with sanctification and honor
= separating yourself from the world and aligning yourself with God
Avoid the lusts of concupiscence
= strong sexual desire
Know God
Honest with each other, seek not to defraud
Seek to be holy
Love each other- not despise each other
Study to be quiet, to do our own business and work with our
own hands
Take time to listen for the Spirit,
make sure we feel the accomplishment of finishing work, mind our own business
Be charitable
Be prepared for the Lord’s coming
Pay attention and “not sleep” for the Lord’s coming
Do not
choose to ignore the Lord’s coming
Be “sober”
Be aware
and attentive to the signs of the Lord’s coming
Wear the breastplate of faith and love
Protect our
hearts and spirits with faith in God and love for everyone
Wear the helmet of salvation
Protect our
minds with the knowledge of who we are and what our plan is
Day and night be followers of Christ
Edify one another
instruct or improve
Know each other
Take time
to know those people around us
Esteem highly each other
See the
divine nature of every person
Be at peace with each other
Warn the unruly
unable to control, disruptive, disorderly, not able to discipline
Warn the
people around us who are acting with rebellion
Comfort the feeble minded
minded = struggles to make wise decisions, makes bad judgments
Help those
who struggle to follow the commandments
Support the weak
Be patient with each other
Show no evil to any man
Choose to be happy
Pray always
Give thanks
Don’t deny the Spirit
Listen when
prompted to do something
Soften heart to prophesy
discount the words of the church leaders
Prove all things
Listen and
hear the commandments, advice and suggestions from scripture and prophesy, and follow through. Look for
truth in the advice through living it.
Hold fast to good
Look for
and only do good.
Stay away from the appearance of evil
Even the
appearance of evil!
Pray for church leaders
Follow commandments
Patiently wait for Christ
Avoid situations of sin
Avoid not working
Avoid being a busy body
Do not be
someone who pries or meddles in other business, do not make mischief.
After compiling this list from Paul of all of the things
that members of Christ’s church could do to improve themselves, I was
instructed to pick three from the list to write about and work on. So, below are my three:
1.) The
most obvious problem I need to work on: patience. I need to work on being
patient and understanding with those around me- more specifically: my kids. Not
only am I quick to anger a lot of the time, but I also do not take the time
that I should in listening to the real root of their problems. I tend to look
more at the problem that is happening, than at the child having the problem. In
order to be more Christlike, and a better member of His church, I need to have
pure and heartfelt patience. I need to be patient with the drivers on the road
who may struggle with safety, I need to be more patient with neighborhood kids,
and I need to work on being patient with people who’s political beliefs I
disagree with. Once I allow myself to see the people first, and not their
actions, then I am choosing to be more like Christ.
I had a recent awakening to this
recently, when the school shooting in Troutdale, OR happened. This was very
close to my home town- and I drove by that school everyday! My initial
reaction, similar to every single other shooting, was sadness for the victims
and disgust for the shooter. A few hours after watching the barrage of police
and parents all in tears on TV, it was announced that the shooter was a member of
our church- and was in our neighboring stake. My mom knew his family- strong in
the church and active in their ward! I realized that I was wrong- this child
had a problem and had needed help. He wasn’t the monster that I had originally
thought- he was a child of God, just like me. I was forced to reevaluate every
school shooting suspect I had judged prior. They are people. They make bad
decisions, they have some unbearable pain, and maybe a gear isn’t working right
in their mind. But they are the same as me- people. Children of God. I need to
be more patient.
2.) I
have three kids, all little-ish, and am surrounded by said children every
second of every day. There is no exaggeration to those internet memes that poke
fun at the moms who can’t get a second alone- even in the restroom. Even in my
sleep, not a night goes by that I am not covered in small ones (who claim to
have had a bad dream, but really just don’t want to let me sleep comfortably.)
So somewhere around the 4th time in a row of hearing “Mom, can I eat
a pickle?” and “the baby just dumped her *dinner* on the floor! (*insert any
combination of bodily fluids, edible objects or fragile items)” is that little
part of my brain that knows what my next choice should be: quiet. I need to
take time to be quiet and listen to the lack of shopping /to do/to don’t lists
running through my head. Listen for what the Spirit wants me to hear. Listen to
answers. I just need to make some quiet time.
3.) My
last one is a hard topic. I need to be more earnest and bold in standing up for
the right, in the form of “warning the unruly.” I don’t think that means
calling out every person that you see who sins, but there are situations that I
have been around that I should have taken the opportunity to denounce the
wickedness promoted by some people. For example: one of our dearest friends in
the world is struggling with their belief in some of the teachings of the
church. They believe, as many lacking faith do, that the church is more of a
brainwashing institution than founded in the word of God. It is a real struggle
for this person, and in turn, their family. This is their choice, and they know
that it is rebellious to the ways of the Lord. However, not only do they
justify themselves, they seek to disillusion others around them. They want
other people to feel the same, that they might fall away together. It is
heart-wrenching to watch. When they talk to us, we just roll our eyes and
ignore them. However, we should be doing more. We should look for ways to
lovingly and patiently discuss their actions with them- warning them of the
damage they are leaving in trail behind them. It is part of being a disciple,
and our loved ones deserve to know and remember where they stand.
This was kind of a different study assignment than the ones
previously. What a blessing it is to be given the opportunity for a little self
evaluation! I have so much to work on, and am grateful for a place to start!
Which three did you pick?
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