Saturday, October 18, 2014

a Bit on Heart Etching

a Bit on Heart Etching
2 Corinthians 3:1-3

My husband and I have a very close friend who we were blessed to meet a few years ago: we can call him G. G was raised in the gospel, and had wonderful God-fearing parents training him in the ways of the Lord. G has, on multiple occasions, told our family about his wonderful Dad and the service he gave to everyone around him. By all means, G was set up with a great foundation for his spirituality.

When G was a teenager, he found his wild side. He slowly found himself straying from the ways of his parents teachings; the way of God. G made a lot of mistakes, ultimately voiding his covenants with the Lord. G's own family was then raised without the gospel, something that has been a major struggle since.

Fast forward 25-30ish years, and G hit rock bottom after spiraling out of control for so long. He staggered his way back into the gospel, knowing full-well that the road of head would be difficult and trying. G made commitments to his family and to God, and made immediate changes in his life. He stopped using every vice Satan had gained hold of him with, and put all of his energy in to church. Eventually G was baptized a member of the Lord's church once more, and given the Priesthood.

Now, just a few years later, G has been made Elders Quorum President. Every ounce of effort that the man can give, is given to the service of the Lord. G serves in his calling more valiantly and tirelessly than anyone I have ever seen. He gives and gives and gives...and gives. G always has his nose in the scriptures, and can relate any current-day situation to what he has gleaned from them. G is the closest person I have personally met to a saint! Not only is he diligent in everything Godly, but he is so pure in his humility. We are very blessed to have him as our friend and example.

I write this story, because of the two examples of testimony that G experienced. The first: although he was raised in the optimum situation for testimony construction, as a child, G never really built one for himself. His lack of a foundation built on God, led him to make many mistakes and lead his own family in a way contrary to the Lord's teachings.

The second: G gained his own testimony, and used it to help others gain theirs as well. His own beliefs are very apparent to all around him, because he chooses to display the Lord's love and patience in all things that he does.

In the New Testament, Paul's epistle to the Corinthians explains exactly what this second testimony example is created from:

 "Do we begin again to commend ourselves? or need we, as some others, epistles of commendation to you, or letters of commendation from you?

 Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:

 Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart."
-2 Corinthians 3:1-3

 "...but in the fleshy tables of the heart..." What does that mean? Here is a list that gives a little explanation. When we have a teaching, commandment, or doctrine written on our fleshy tables of our hearts, we:

-Take responsibility for that doctrine/commandment/teaching
-Liken the teaching to ourselves
-Apply it to our own lives
-Cherish/respect the doctrine, and the person from whom it comes
-That commandment/doctrine/teaching becomes part of who we are

When we have gleaned from the things that we are being taught, and make it part of us, it will show in our actions. When we understand and fully believe in Heavenly Father as a literal Father, then we will understand our duty to serve our brothers and sisters in Him. When we have a real testimony of the Word of Wisdom, it becomes a tangible part of our heart that denies the ability to be tempted otherwise. If we are committed to our belief in Eternal Families, then we will go to the temple. In short, our beliefs prompt action, and in turn, will be visible to others through those actions. We watched G serve, we knew he believed. 
So how do we get something written on our hearts? Hint: the answer does not involve a Sharpie. There are two ways (see here and here). 

1-Do the Lord's will
2-Pray with all the energy in our hearts

By doing these two things, we can have the Lord's doctrine written in our hearts. It is a very real thing- something very visible to those watching our actions and our deeds. When we align our hearts with the ways of the Lord, then people take note and ask questions. They can get that "spark" needed to ignite a testimony. We do it for God, for ourselves, and also for others. 

I don't profess to have answers, or even good advice. But one thing I do know: when we decide for ourselves that it is time to change for the better, we find God. When we commit to that change, we find ourselves

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